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Apply For The Board

Blue and Orange Madness 2019


Applications for the 2024-2025 Student Programming Board are now OPEN!
Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025, by 11:59 PM (PT).

Have questions about being on The Board? Check out The Board's Instagram account @pepperdineboard or visit for more in-depth information about the team and a look behind the scenes.

Important Application Information 

The Student Programming Board Overview

The Student Programming Board organizes events designed to create community on campus. A portion of each Seaver undergraduate's Campus Life Fee is allocated to The Board to fund these activities. The Board hosts events throughout the year, each designed to give students a campus experience that is unique to being a Wave. Some of these events are meant to create and maintain traditions that bring the entire Pepperdine community closer together, such as Blue and Orange Madness and ReelStories Film Festival. Other events are created to ensure that there's something fun happening on campus almost every week. Apply today and help create community on campus!

General Information

Being a part of the Board means you are dedicated to serving your peers at Pepperdine. Each individual has a role and each role has unique responsibilities; however, all Board members are required to:

  • Attend weekly Board meetings on Wednesdays at 6 PM
  • Attend weekly committee meetings (schedules TBD)
  • Have weekly office hours
  • Assist at other Boarder's events (predominantly on Friday and Saturday) including setup and cleanup
  • Attend mandatory fall training session from August 5-16, 2025*, which is prior to and during New Student Orientation Week (*subject to change)

Being a Boarder means you are a student leader, but also an employee of the University in the Student Activities department. Every Board position is:

  • Paid $17.28/hour (we strongly encourage work study, although it is not necessary)
  • A full academic year commitment


As campus leaders, Boarders are role models who are individually responsible, work well in a dynamic team environment, and are enthusiastic about Pepperdine student life.

  • Each member must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA for the duration of service
  • Be a Seaver College undergraduate student
  • Commit to the entire academic year
  • Attend the mandatory fall training session from August 5-16, 2025*, which is prior to and during New Student Orientation Week (*subject to change)
  • Be in good standing with the university. Students on academic or disciplinary probation may not serve on the Board

Unfortunately, Board members are not eligible to serve in the following student leadership positions (due to conflicting training and work schedules):

  • HRL (RA or SLA)
  • New Student Orientation Leader
  • New Student Orientation Coordinator
  • Career Ambassador
  • Community Engagement and Service Leadership
  • Inter-Club Council Executive Board
  • Student Government Association Executive Board
  • Student Wellness Advisory Board Ambassador

Application Checklist

Before you begin your application, please read the information on this page very carefully.

  1. Application: Complete the Pepperdine Student Programming Board application online by clicking here: . Completing this application waives your right to view your peer and faculty recommendations. **Please note that application progress may not be saved.** (Tip: Draft any answers to questions requiring long answer text to Word/Pages to complete answers, then copy and paste answers back to application)
    • You will also need to upload a short About Me video (instructions found in the application form link), a copy of your resume and, if applicable, supplemental documents* (which includes but is not limited to portfolios of graphic design samples, artwork, videos, social media graphics, etc.) in your application
    • *If you are interested in the area of graphic design, you must upload a graphic design portfolio in your application
  2. Professional Recommendation: completed by a University faculty or staff member, or former or current employer who can speak to your character and work experience. Send this link to your professional reference: 
  3. Peer Recommendation: completed by a fellow student. The peer recommendation should be a current Seaver College undergraduate student who can speak to your character. Send this link to your peer reference: 

Please contact with any submission questions.

Student Programming Board Interview and Selection Process

The selection committee will conduct rolling interviews with the strongest applicants beginning Wednesday, March 12. You will be notified by email, if you have been selected for an interview. Please respond promptly. If you have questions, please email Darnell Parker II, Student Programming Graduate Assistant, at

Monday, February 24...............................................Applications Open
Monday, March 17....................................................Application Deadline
Beginning Wednesday, March 12..............................Rolling Interviews
Friday, March 21.......................................................Recommendation Deadline
Mid-/End of April.....................................................2025-2026 SPB Announced

Student Programming Board: Responsibilities and Areas of Interest

**Committee structure and positions will be based on the interest areas and strengths of the applicants chosen for the 2025-2026 Student Programming Board. 

Event Planning



General Responsibilities for all Board Members:

All Board Members are responsible for the following duties, in addition to the specific tasks of the position, as outlined below:

  • Play a vital role in developing a lively and vibrant community on campus by contributing to the planning and execution of all Board events.
  • Encourage students to attend and participate in Board events.
  • Maintain strong relationships with other campus offices by encouraging event collaboration in order to create a dynamic campus experience for all segments of the student population.
  • Make decisions regarding budget allocations for your committee.
  • Maintain records of all activities, including attendance and financial expense reports.
  • Perform roughly 4-6 event hours per week, which includes coordinating an event or event support and attendance.
  • Perform 4-6 administrative office hours per week, which includes mandatory weekly team meetings, meetings with the Board Advisor, and meetings with respective committees.
  • Operate with a clear understanding of the University's mission, policies, and procedures.
  • Attend training, retreats, and leadership programs.

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Event Planning

Big picture visions combined with detail-oriented executions - these roles are responsible for crafting every step of an event starting with an idea to handling logistics that turn an idea into a reality for the campus community. These roles maintain and utilize relationships with various vendors, including overseeing documentation pertaining to risk management and contracts and coordinate on or off campus events that are engaging and entertaining. Within Event Planning, the different areas of interest include:

  • Art (Art show, craft and DIY events, trips to museums)
    • Develop exciting opportunities for students to showcase their artistic talents and engage in local art.
    • Maintain relationships with various art clubs and the art department on campus.
  • Cultural (Culturally-themed events)
    • Organize events that promote cultural awareness and empower cultural learning opportunities.
    • Maintain relationships with various cultural clubs and partner and collaborate with Intercultural Affairs.
  • Film (Film screenings, ReelStories Film Festival)
    • Challenge students to learn and grow, while being entertained through film's storytelling ability.
    • Basic knowledge of film production strongly encouraged; also responsible for learning the AV system in Elkins and HAWC to facilitate film events and support other Board events.
  • General (beach days, sports/fitness activities, trivia night, bingo, etc.)
    • Events not tied to a particular category; also interested in creating new and innovative events.
    • Plan and execute events based on students' needs and relevance to the current campus culture.
  • Music (Coffeehouse, Battle of the Bands, Spring Concert, creating playlists)
    • Engage the student body through the free expression of music, from chances to hear the latest touring artists, to opportunities for our talented student musicians to be in the spotlight.
    • Maintain the Board's audio/visual equipment and resources, including the operation of a soundboard in the Light House and speakers at all events involving music.
  • Wave Traditions (Blue and Orange Madness, New Student Sunrise, Senior Sunset, etc.)
    • Create and design the events that promote school spirit and ring true to being a Wave.
    • Collaborate with other departments, such as Alumni Relations, Athletics, Dining Services, the Dean's Office, and the President's Office, in developing traditional events that encapsulate the Pepperdine Experience.

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Efficiency and organization - two key components provided by this role to keep the entire team strong and on the same page. Administrative duties ensure all team members are working toward making our events successful. Within Administrative, the different areas of interest include:

  • Communication
    • Maintain SPB email, by checking and responding to emails
    • Liaison with other student organizations, departments and external inquiries
  • Financials/Reimbursements
    • Process all financial reimbursements (petty cash and mileage)
    • Credit card management
  • Internal Affairs
    • Prepare weekly meeting agenda
    • Team bonding and teamwork activities
    • Plan Year-End Banquet
  • External Collaborations
    • Coordinate with other organizations across various campus departments regarding collaborative event planning
    • Strategize creative ways for the Board to promote or support these event partnership opportunities

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Exciting engagement and creatively raising awareness - the Marketing roles are responsible for establishing and maintaining the Board brand, and reaching out to students to encourage participation in Board events, no matter the media platform. Within Marketing, the different areas of interest include:

  • Email Newsletter
    • Bi-weekly email creation and distribution campus-wide
  • Graphic Design
    • Design posters, graphics, programs, stickers, logos for apparel or other promotional giveaways
  • Hand Lettering
    • Calligraphy, chalk art, A-frame designs, hand drawn illustrations
  • Photography
    • For promotional use, to recap events and highlight on social media/website; understand and familiar with editing process
  • Social Media
    • Create content for and proactively manage the Board's social media platforms (Instagram)
  • Videography
    • Film, edit, upload to and maintain SPB Vimeo account; optimize videos for social media platforms
  • Website
    • Knowledge of SquareSpace/Wix design and content upkeep or site development

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For more information, please contact Darnell Parker II at