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Digital Campus Course Development Process


How do I request a Digital Campus teaching stipend vs. units?

Stipend and Units:

Step 1: If a faculty member has met their full teaching load and desires a stipend, they must complete a request for a stipend payment at the beginning of the term. Otherwise, units are assigned and added to banked units (max 12 units).

Step 2: Faculty Affairs updates individual contract tracking spreadsheet

Step 3: Department Chairs review and approve contract tracking spreadsheet

Course Development:

What is the course refresh cycle for Digital Campus courses?

  • Course leads should engage in ongoing continuous improvement each term through the iteration process.  This ongoing process includes changes to the syllabus, assignments, knowledge checks, assessments, gradebook, and more.  Major refreshes beyond iteration need to be approved by the Department Chair, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and the Online Programs Chair.  Major refreshes include substantive course redesign, and recording new studio-quality videos and are scheduled after 3-5 years of iterations. 

Who initiates course development and major revisions for a Digital Campus course?

  • Online Programs Chair collaborates with Program Office, Faculty Committee, Department Chair, and Digital Campus to determine which courses will be developed and/or require a major refresh. 

How are faculty paid for Digital Campus course development?

  • Course leads are assigned by department chairs, who also work with Faculty Affairs to confirm and record preferred compensation (stipend or units).
  • All course leads must sign a faculty contract before beginning work on course development.
  • Course Lead begins working with Digital Campus to develop the course
    • The first payment will be issued when Course Development begins, as defined by the “Faculty Orientation” for new faculty, or the first Course Strategy meeting for faculty who have already developed a course with Digital Campus. 
    • The second payment will be issued when Course Development ends, as defined by the completion of the faculty completing their review of the course in the Faculty Review Document. 
  • Digital Campus informs Program Office of course completion; Program Office processes stipend payment with People Operations, as necessary.


  • Course leads are compensated for the necessary work of coordinating with section leads.  This work may include recurring meetings to review grading standards, course content, deliverables, learning goals, assessments, and more.  Even in semesters where the course lead is not teaching the course, they are expected to fulfill this responsibility and are compensated at the rate as specified in the current term sheet.




Google Request Form - Contact Doris Jones
Payments - Contact  Courtney Scott
Units/ Stipends tracking spreadsheet - Contact  Janna Martinez
Course development questions - Contact Digital Campus
General process questions - Contact your department chair