Graziadio Faculty Emeritus
Applying for Emeritus
Any Professor or Associate Professor, with ten or more years of full-time experience, may, at the point of retirement, apply for and be granted the honorary rank of Professor Emeritus. The Professor may choose to have his/her application supported by letters of recommendation from faculty and or from recommendations by the appropriate School's Rank, Tenure and Promotion (or Tenure) Committee. All application materials must be submitted to the Dean's office one month prior to the anticipated retirement date (July 1 for spring retirement; December 1 for fall retirement). The Dean will review the application of the candidate and forward the appropriate comments and recommendations to the Provost at least two weeks prior to the anticipated retirement date (July 15 for spring retirement, December 15 for fall retirement). The Provost, in consultation with the President, will determine whether to grant the rank of Professor Emeritus.
Full University Faculty Emeritus Policy
PGBS Faculty Profiles
Faculty Emeriti are entitled to maintain or create a faculty profile.
Requesting a New Faculty Page
To start a new faculty profile page, please complete the New Faculty Profile Form.
As relevant, submit information for the following headers:
Campus/ Office Location, Research, Bio, Awards, High-Quality Photo, Presentations,
CV, Grants, Education, Media, Twitter Profile/ Social Handles, Topics Taught, Teaching,
Courses Taught, etc.
Updating a Current Profile
Please complete the Faculty Change Request Form to indicate what content you are updating
and either paste the new copy into the form field or upload an attachment.
PGBS Events
Graziadio faculty emeriti are invited, annually, to attend the PGBS Full-Time Faculty Retreat, typically held in late February/ early March. In addition to this event, faculty emeriti are invited to special events throughout the year.