Frequently Asked Questions
How do I have my meeting posted on the faculty meeting calendar?
You may submit an online request at this webpage. Please note requests are loaded to the faculty calendar on a monthly basis.
When is commencement?
The next commencement ceremony will be taking place on Saturday, April 12. You may also visit the commencement webpage for more details.
How do I get reimbursed?
Download the expense reimbursement form and submit the completed form and receipts
to Jordan Drake via email or interoffice mail. Jordan’s contact information is listed
at the bottom of this page. Please note that email submissions must include the scanned
receipts in order to be processed.
For what items can I purchase on my own and get reimbursed?
Although we recommend that you allow the finance manager, or someone else within the
Office of Academic Affairs, to make purchases on your behalf, we understand that is
not always feasible and that you may need to personally purchase such items. Please
note though that there are certain guidelines for reimbursement. Faculty members may
only personally spend $100 or less on non-consumable items or $250 or less on books.
If you require non-consumable items costing more than $100 or books costing more than
$250, please contact the finance manager to make such purchases on your behalf. Furthermore,
please solicit the help of the finance manager to make any equipment related purchases.
All travel related costs are reimbursable (i.e. airfare, lodging, ground transportation,
tips, etc.).
What is the current mileage reimbursement rate?
The current rate is .58 cents per mile.
How do I apply for my Faculty Development Funds?
You may download the Faculty Development Funds Proposal form that can be found in the forms section of this website. You may then forward the signed, completed form to your respective department chair for approval. Please cc the Finance Manager on your request.
Academic Support
How may I reserve a hoteling office at the regional campuses?
Please contact Doris Jones in Academic Affairs.
What if I have to cancel a class session due to an illness?
Please contact the program office so that they may properly inform the students.
What does Pepperdine offer in terms of web-based file storage and document sharing?
Pepperdine offers 30GB of storage through Google Apps at Pepperdine. Visit to setup your account.
How can I setup my mobile phone to access Pepperdine email?
Visit and follow instructions for email setup on mobile devices.
Who do I call if I’m having problems with my computer or other Pepperdine-owned technology?
You may call the Pepperdine help desk at: 310.506.HELP.
How do I order books?
Click here for detailed instructions on how to order books. Please contact Doris Jones at or Ennette Morton at
How do I submit my final grades in each class I teach?
Click here to be taken to an instructional guide on submitting grades.
What are the resources available through the libraries?
Resources for Faculty are available on this page:[BROKEN LINK]
How do I upload my syllabus?
Click here to follow instructions on how to upload your syllabus. If you have further questions,
please contact Doris Jones.
What if I have to cancel a class session due to an illness?
Please contact the program office so that they may properly inform the students.
How may I use a hoteling office at the regional campuses?
Please contact Kristin Bailey.
Curriculum and Assessment
How soon after the evaluation period closes will I be able to view my results?
Results are viewable one week after grades are due assuming all grades have been turned
Will students be able to complete a course evaluation after they've viewed their official
No. While professors may approve grades at their convenience, the Registrar will only post the official grades after the evaluation period closes.
How will I know when the evaluation period has opened?
Faculty will receive email notification from Academic Affairs one week before the
open evaluation period.
How will I know when the evaluation period has closed?
Since the evaluation open period is 11 days, in most instances, it will be midnight
on the Thursday of the last week of classes.
Does the process work the same for weekend classes, including PKE and EMBA?
What if a student doesn't have a laptop?
The student would have several options:
- Borrow a classmate's
- Go to the computer lab
- Complete the evaluation at home
What if the student loses their course evaluation notification email?
This is not a problem. When the student logs onto WaveNet they simply click on the Online Course Evaluation link.
What if the student has log in problems?
The student can call (310) 506-HELP (4357) for technical support. This information
is provided to the student in their course evaluation notification email.
Are the course evaluations anonymous?
Yes, while the students access their course evaluation via WaveNet the data is transmitted
and processed through an outside vendor (Digital Measures). The evaluations are maintained
in a secure environment whereby encryption prevents tracking of individual responses.
How can I achieve optimal student participation?
Faculty who experience 100% participation practice the following techniques(s):
- Dedicate class time for students to complete the course evaluation.
- Monitor the response rate during dedicated class time.
- Provide student incentive to complete the evaluation (e.g., add points to a student's class participation score if he or she prints the completion page and shows it to the professor.)
Faculty Administration
Am I eligible to receive business cards?
Full-time faculty are eligible to receive business cards.
How do I receive a University ID card?
Please contact Human Resources to schedule an appointment.
What type of building access do I have?
Depending on what campus you will be teaching at, you will have access office floors
and classrooms. Contact Doris Jones at to submit an access card request.
How can I obtain a parking permit?
Full-time faculty are eligible to receive parking permits at their home base.
How can I establish my own webpage on the Meet the Faculty website? (
Full-time faculty are eligible for a webpage and may contact Kristin Bailey to setup the process.
Support faculty are eligible as well and must meet the following criteria
- Must have taught at the school for a minimum of 3 academic terms (i.e. spring, summer, or fall)
- Must have taught at least 1 course over the past 3 academic terms (PeopleSoft removes any supporting faculty member from the system that has not taught within the past 3 terms)
- Meet Department Chair approval
How do I find phone numbers and email addresses for other people at the University?
Visit You must login with your network ID and password
How do I record my course work hours and when will I be paid?
Supporting faculty members are requested to sign into the Kronos payroll system and
enter, review, and approve individual timesheets for each pay period. Each timesheet
should include course teaching hours, office hours, and preparation time, along with
your involvement in workshops (if applicable). You may also click here for a detailed payroll schedule.
What are Pepperdine’s holidays and other days that classes are cancelled?
The University holiday schedule can be found here.
Faculty Development
What are the resources available through the libraries?
Resources for faculty are available on this page:
May I receive one-on-one help with IT systems used by faculty?
Yes! Please click here to request an IT Consultation: IT Teaching Request
I need help with Courses (powered by Sakai). What should I do?
IT can help! Click here for more information. IT and Learning Information
I have too many email addresses! Do I have to check my Pepperdine email account?
Yes! Pepperdine offices only use official Pepperdine emails to inform you of important information.