Courses Top 10 Checklist for a New Academic Term
As you get started with a new academic term, we want to share with you some of the most common items professors do at the beginning of a new semester/trimester.
Top 10 Checklist
- Access Courses (powered by Sakai).
- Publish your class site so that students can see and access it.
- Post and publish your syllabus to inform students of learning objectives and requirements.
- Reorder your site tabs to access your classes quickly and easily.
- Add or remove tools to engage students in learning activities.
- Reorder your tools to focus student attention.
- Add documents and web links to Resources to share learning materials.
- Set up your gradebook to securely share academic progress with your students.
- Copy course materials from a previous semester to repurpose your hard work.
- Combine class rosters if you are teaching cross-listed classes or multiple sections of the same class but want to manage only one site. Remember to always consider and respect FERPA.
Don't see a site?
After class site creation has happened and you don't see a site, please check your WaveNet Faculty Center to verify your teaching assignment. If you don't see your class in WaveNet, then you will not see it in Courses. If that happens, please contact your school program or division office for guidance. See other faculty site access tips.
Other Popular Tasks
- Want to Add a TA or GA? Add Participants to add a teaching assistant, graduate assistant, or co-instructor.
- Declutter your Sites! Hide old class sites to streamline and speed up your experience.
- Scaffold Your Learning Content. Create Lessons to embed content and structure student learning and engagement.
- "Bueller? Bueller?" Take Attendance to help measure student participation.
See Also
- End-of-Term Considerations for Faculty
- Courses Class Site Creation Schedule
- Courses Enrollment Update Schedule
- Class Distribution Email Lists
- TechLearn Video Center for training and webinars on Courses, Turnitin, Zoom, and more
- Zoom Documentation for Faculty
- Google Training and Documentation for Faculty
- Pepperdine Libraries: Library Resources for Teaching