Account Ranges
This account range chart will help to narrow a search on a Look Up window. Open the Look Up window by clicking the search lookup icons and simply enter the first few digits in the Account "begins with" text box, then hit the Look Up button. The Look Up window will display the range of accounts in detail. You then may choose the appropriate account by clicking either the account number or the description. The account field will then populate automatically.
400100 - 401999 Tuition and fees
402000 - 402999 Student Aid
403000 - 403999 Room and board
404000 - 404099 Private gifts and grants
404100 - 404199 Investment Income (non-operating item)
404200 - 404299 Endowment support
404300 - 404999 Government grants
405000 - 405999 Sales and services
406000 - 406999 Other Revenue
407000 - 489999 Assets Released
490000 - 499999 Fund Balance Available
500000 - 503999 Personnel
504000 - 509999 Employee Benefits
510000 - 510499 Professional services
510500 - 510599 Depreciation
510700 - 510799 Interest
511000 - 511999 Travel and faculty/staff development
512000 - 512999 Plant, Property and Equipment
513000 - 513299 Rentals
513300 - 513699 Utilities
513700 - 513999 Maintenance
514000 - 514999 Student meals
515000 - 515999 Supplies
516000 - 516299 Advertising and promotion
Other Expense
516300 - 516699 Postage
516700 - 516899 Telephone
516900 - 516999 Insurance
517000 - 517999 Printing
518000 - 518299 Photocopy, Fax and Word Processing
518300 - 518999 Property Taxes
520000 - 529999 Financial Expenses
530000 - 539999 Cost of Goods Sold
540000 - 549999 Construction
550000 - 559999 Other Expenses
Note: Accounts ending in 00 are used for budgetary control and may not be used by the University community.