Malware and Virus Prevention
Anti-malware recommendations and requirements
Modern malware and viruses don't always interfere with use of your computer, but silently steal University and personal information or resources. Pepperdine IT procedures, as referenced in the University Computer and Network Responsible Use Policy, require or recommend action to take against malware.
Anti-malware Procedures
Surprisingly, security updates are also required to secure your device against malware, even if you have anti-virus software. Follow these procedures to prevent malware:
- Set your device's operating system and apps to automatically update.
- University-owned Windows computers must be configured to update with Windows Software Update Service (WSUS) and be enrolled in Device Management, which will update other standard applications, install the approved anti-virus software and make other required security configurations.
- University-owned Mac computers must be set to automatically update from Apple and be enrolled in Device Management, which update other standard applications, install the approved anti-virus and make other required security configurations.
- Personal computers and mobile devices should be set to automatically update; see your vendor or device manufacturer for instructions. You may also use to find missing updates.
- Maintain an up-to-date anti-virus software on your personal devices.
- Learn more about device updates and anti-virus with the Information Security Office's quick reference guides.