Fireside Room AV Instructions
Use the following step-by-step instructions to set up the AV equipment in the Tyler Campus Center Fireside Room.
- Lower the manual pull-down screen.
- Select the appropriate input on the controller.
- If using the PC, wake it by pressing any key on the keyboard.
- If the PC is powered off, open the rack door and press the power button on the Dell device
- Sign in using your Pepperdine credentials (note: students will need to use the student\domain)
- If using your own laptop, connect the HDMI cable from the AV rack to your laptop.
- Be sure to bring an adapter, if necessary
- Determine whether the content on the PC or laptop should be mirrored or extended to
the projector screen.
- Select the appropriate display settings using System Preferences for Apple devices or Windows+P for Windows devices
- Using the knob, adjust the program audio to the desired level.
- If using the microphones, locate the 2 microphones at the bottom of the AV rack.
- Take the desired number of microphones out of the charging station and flip the power
switch on each to turn them on.
- When finished, verify the microphones are correctly placed back into the charging station (lights will illuminate)
- Using the volume up and down buttons, adjust the microphone audio to the desired level.
- Turn the AV system off by pressing the "OFF" button on the controller.
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Business Hours: 8 AM-5 PM, Monday-Friday
Thornton Administrative Center (TAC) 177