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Computer & Network Responsible Usage Policy

Policy Terms


Pepperdine University provides access to computing and network resources in order to support its instruction, research, and service missions; administrative functions; and student and campus life activities.  All such use shall be ethical and consistent with the University's mission.  Any other uses, including uses that jeopardize the integrity of the Pepperdine network, the privacy or safety of other users, or that are otherwise illegal, are prohibited.


This policy applies to all users of University computing and network resources, whether affiliated with Pepperdine or not, and to all uses of those resources, whether on campus or from remote locations.

Conditions for Use

Users of Pepperdine University computer and network resources must:

  • Follow all applicable federal, state or local laws.
  • Follow all relevant University rules, regulations, policies and procedures, including the IT use policies and procedures published for specific systems.
  • Actively maintain the security of personally-owned and University-assigned computers.
  • Report privacy, security or policy violations to the Information Security office.


Users of Pepperdine University computer and network resources must not:

  • Utilize any identity or account not specifically assigned to the user
  • Hinder, monitor or intercept another user's network traffic.
  • Disclose, destroy or capture personal, confidential or restricted data.
  • Use resources for commercial purposes or personal financial gain.
  • Use resources for unauthorized access of any system or network.
  • Process any (1) RESTRICTED or (2) Confidential data containing personally identifiable information (such as name(s), address, phone number, etc.) with any artificial intelligence tool or system.

Peer-to-Peer and File Sharing Notice

Users must not engage in the unauthorized copying, distributing, altering, maintaining or transmitting of copyrighted materials, information, software, music or other media.

Security and Privacy

Users' University computer and network passwords must conform to IT's published complexity and length requirements, and must not be shared with any other person, used in non-University accounts, or otherwise disclosed.  Passwords must be changed immediately if disclosed or compromised.

The University employs various measures to protect the security of its information resources. Users should be aware that their uses of University computer and network resources are not private.  While the University does not routinely monitor individual usage, the normal operation and maintenance of the University's computing resources require backup, logging of activity, the monitoring of general and individual usage patterns, and other such activities that are necessary for information security and the rendition of service.  In addition, the University reserves the right to review, monitor and/or capture any content residing on, or transmitted over, its computers or network at its sole discretion.  The University reserves the right to limit access to its computers or network, and to remove or limit access to material residing on its computers or network.

The most current version of the Computer and Network Responsible Use Policy and any technical requirements and guidelines related to this policy are published at


Updateed July 18 2024 per UMC

Publishing Guidelines

When publishing this policy on other web pages, please link to this page rather than statically copying the policy text into your web page.

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